Tegangan rendah, kekuatan rendah penguat operasional
Ardalan, S.; Raahemifar, K.; Yuan, F.
Elektronik, Circuits and Systems, 2003.ICECS 2003.Proceedings of the 2003 10 IEEE International Conference on
Volume 2, Issue, 14-17 Desember 2003 Page (s): 822-825 Vol.2
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ICECS.2003.1301913
Ardalan, S.; Raahemifar, K.; Yuan, F.
Elektronik, Circuits and Systems, 2003.ICECS 2003.Proceedings of the 2003 10 IEEE International Conference on
Volume 2, Issue, 14-17 Desember 2003 Page (s): 822-825 Vol.2
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ICECS.2003.1301913